Technology is a practical based subject. Students work with metal, wood and plastic to create projects that they have designed themselves. Students also study areas such as electronics, mechanisms, structures and technology & society.
At both Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate students design and make a project for 50% of their marks. Students sit a written exam for the other 50% of the marks.
Junior Cycle
Students are introduced to working with metal, wood and plastic through various projects such as key rings, CD racks, bridges, mobile phone holders, buzz games and many more. Throughout the three years of Junior cycle students study materials, tools, safety, structures, mechanisms, energy, graphics, ergonomics, electronics and computers.
Last year we entered ‘F1 in schools’ a project students can partake in. Students from around the country design and make mini F1 cars and race them at regional and national finals. Teams are evaluated using multiple criteria with prizes for ‘Best engineered’, Best Newcomer’ and many more. Last year we won Best Engineered Car and 3rd Place in the Senior Category at the National Finals. Technology and Technical Graphics Students get a chance to enter this competition in 2nd Year & TY.
This year we have entered 4 teams and will hopefully bring home a national title.
Follow our Instagram account to keep up to date with our latest projects @scr_technologydepartment